Chris Voros

Construction Management
Cancer Institute
Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center- Hershey, PA


This is a student-generated Capstone Project e-Portfolio (CPEP) produced in conjunction with the AE Senior Thesis e-Studio.


ENGR 408: Leadership Principles

This supplemental page on my Senior Thesis CPEP is designated for the ENGR 408 Elective taken in Spring 2007, which called for students to exhibit their semester's work through an online portfolio. Though the Engineering Leadership Development Minor was not pursued during my college career, this particular class proved to be a rewarding experience that has provided personal and global insight into the characteristics of tomorrow's leader.

The following documents demonstrate my own comprehensive understanding of leadership that has developed over the course of the spring semester. All links are in Adobe PDF format (click here to get the free Adobe PDF Reader).






Journal Entries

After each week's lecture, we were asked to summarize the discussions and provide a response, personal analysis, and sound-bite pertaining to what was learned with regards to leadership. Below are links to these reflections.

January 29- "Why We Are Here- 21st Century Leadership" March 19- "Leadership and Character: Doing the Right Thing"
February 5- "Building Partnerships" March 26- "Three Degrees"
February 12- "Global Citizenship" April 2- "Moral Courage and Facing Challenges"
February 19- "Sustainability and Collaboration" April 9- "Seeing the Future"
February 26- "Vision, Core Values, and Strategy" April 16- ENGR 493 Presentations Evaluations
March 5- "People" April 23- ENGR 493 Presentations Evaluations


Keirsey Temperament Analysis

Two papers were assigned in this class. This first analysis is based on the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, which breaks people down into one of four personality types. After taking the online quiz we were asked to reflect on how it influences our daily business processes and social interactions. An interaction matrix shows how the strengths of one personality type can improve on the weaknesses of another. Further, an enrichment exercise is demonstrated by evaulating the personality types of several key officers in my fraternity.


Paper I: "Keirsey Temperament Analysis"


"Who Am I?" - Personal Strategic Plan and Timeline

This second paper expands on the discoveries of the Keirsey Temperament Analysis by looking into who I am when it comes to personal values, vision, and strategy for my future as a leader. The plan particularly applies to my first five years after college, living in a new city and working at a new company.


Paper II: "Who Am I- Personal Strategic Plan and Timeline"


News Presentation

Each week, students gave short presentations on current events that pertain to the lecture topics. My speech, given on March 26, looked at the current political situation in Northern Ireland. This was a topic that I followed for the entire semester as it pertains to many of the themes of this class, including empowerment, integrity, leading through change, and power sharing.

Two factions, Protestant Democrats and Catholic Republicans, have come to a crossroads with respect to ending violence and engaging in diplomacy. Despite the Irish Republican Army formally disarming, Deomcratic Unionists, led by Ian Paisley, are still reluctant to work with Sinn Fein, the IRA's political wing. However, amid pressure from Britain the two sides have agreed to form a representative assembly, a promising step for Northern Ireland in regaining self-rule. Though this story does not deal with the business world directly, the global significance of this event proves why it is critical for leaders to take charge in times of uncertainity.


Click here to read the International Herald Tribune articles.


Class Reflection

This was an enriching class that introduced new ideas and reinforced personal motivations critical for my success in the construction industry. The leadership skills developed here will carry throughout my life, making it a perfect wrap-up to my five-year long coursework at Penn State University. However, more importantly are the lessons taken with respect to globalization, environmental responsibility and the growing economic gap facing this planet. The 21st Century faces new crises that present catastrophic consequences. It will take a global effort to reverse the damages already done, and it will require sacrifices by developed nations in order to enable the Third World with the resources necessary to catch up.

It is up to our generation to lead this change, and it begins with the individual. A whole new way of looking at the world is required, and though this may be a daunting task for some it presents an opportunity for others. Leaders will rise, challenge the old ways of thinking and take charge through these growing times of global uncertainty. I am confident that the skills and ideas obtained in this class will enable me to be one of these leaders of the future.









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This Page was last updated on May 1, 2007 , By Chris Voros and is hosted by the AE Department ©2005